Rice is a real miracle for orchids: if it hasn’t flowered for a long time, take 50 grams and try this trick, and the first buds will soon appear!
- The Rice Soak: Soak about 50 grams of rice in water for several hours or overnight. This allows the rice to absorb moisture and release beneficial compounds.
- Rice Water Infusion: Strain the soaked rice, collecting the infused water in a container. This water is now rich in nutrients and growth stimulants for your orchids.
- Application: Water your orchids with the rice-infused water, ensuring thorough moisture for roots and growing medium.
- Observation and Patience: Keep a close eye on your orchids for signs of new growth and budding. With consistent care, you’ll soon see the first blooms emerge.
By incorporating rice into your orchid care routine, you can stimulate flowering and enjoy the full beauty of your orchid collection.